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Friday, December 4, 2015

Five years, but Always

Five Years, but Always

December 5, 2015

Five years ago this morning, beloved Wiggles Blue Heeler, you put your fourth paw back into Heaven, from whence you came on July 19, 1998. Your matchless loving soul was on loan to this earth for twelve years, four and a half months. I didn't fully appreciate how strong our love and bond was/is until time passed and you and God showed me how strongly you both were working in my heart, soul and life.

First you found Good Boy for me (and me for him) and gave us almost four years together. Miracles happened so many times, and continue without ever abating, stronger and more powerfully loving than ever.

You and God then added Good Boy to your number, and together, you found Rocco also known as Happy Dog, to walk straight into my heart with his loving, playful old soul to fortify my faith in all that you taught me about blindness never being a death sentence ... and then you added age and other infirmity to that, showing me that sarcoma might concentrate our time into eighteen days, but that that very distillation would let me weep again, in a healing way that made a new chapter in life with Sweet Prince, a time of caring and love that has been so good for us both.

I understand better now that you always loved me, from all the time of my earthly life and yours, and for all eternity. That's how God's love is: it has no beginning and no end. It is for us to be part of and immersed in, needing only to learn more about how to share that love.

As the morning dawns of this fifth anniversary of your earthly time regaining heavenly forever, dear Littlefoot, cherished child of my soul, we are still, and always, a team with our Father God. Thank you for your quiet ways, your unconditional love through it all, and for giving me the sure knowledge that you will welcome me again when my walk returns to eternity.

Whatever God has planned for us, we are His children and His creation, and we trust Him without question. Wiggles, you are always loved by me beyond all description, and I know it is that way with you, too. Thank you, God, for entrusting this dear, loving dog to me!

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