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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Our Love Never Fades, Always Grows

Our Love Never Fades, Always Grows September 2, 2014 By Good Boy's Mommy aka Always Wiggles' Mommy Even though this blogger format has changed and made it less user-friendly for me to post (thus thwarting several posts I've attempted to post over the past eight plus months), the love Wiggles Blue Heeler and I have is something that time only proves to strengthen. I didn't know it was possible to love someone so much that such love would grow stronger and more comforting as time went on ... but it was, and it is, and it has. Good Boy continues to thrive with God's and Wiggles' guidance from Heaven, and so do I. Thanks beyond all words to them both for these blessings! Prayers that I can get this effort to post!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Why I Joined Facebook

Why I joined Facebook

January 26, 2014

By Julie Kay Smithson propertyrights (at) earthlink (dot) net

I joined Facebook when beloved Wiggles' health began failing, and no matter the number of tests (biopsies, ultrasounds, bloodwork, etc.), the vets could never agree whether it was cancer or not, or if it was in his kidneys or liver.
I joined Facebook to learn about these things from others that had loved these children of their hearts, but who had had to face the inevitable: earthly death -- whether ours or theirs -- is a fact of life.
Wiggles stayed as long as he could, plus two more blessed days for me when he was stoically enduring the unseen presence as it choked off his ability to urinate or defecate.
Sweet Wiggles let me know when it was time to help him put his fourth paw back into Heaven, and he & God graced that morning, a Sunday, the fifth of December, 2010, with an all-pervading sense of calm that let me be brave for him and give him respite from his worn-out earthly body.
There is NEVER a day or night that I do not think of him, love him beyond all description, and cherish every moment of the twelve-plus years he gave me.
Until Wiggles, I had never known unconditional, forever, "I will NEVER leave you" love. That he got God's ear immediately & sought help in finding just the right canine soul to merge with my own grieving one, was another of the countless ways in which his love was, and IS, manifest.
My joining Facebook continues to be one major way I -- forever Wiggles' Mommy -- can thank him for all he brought into my heart, a heart that continues to grow in love, thanks to God and to him, by letting me learn to love Good Boy!