Wiggles Blue Heeler, summer of 2001
March 20, 2013
By Wiggles' Mommy
If I had a nickel for every time beloved Wiggles crosses my mind, my wealth would be substantial. Several times each day -- and night -- the child of my soul comes softly to give me pause. Photos of him, as well as of Good Boy, adorn our home.
The above photo of Wiggles from the summer of 2001, when he was a youngster at age three, was a recent find while going through boxes of photos from cleaning out the folks' home. The cleaning was done two years ago, but in the busyness of life, I'd not had time to actually go through the photos until just a few days ago. Imagine my joy to come across this photo in which Wiggles eyesight was excellent, he had his 'yello-o ball' in his mouth and was so eager to play!
Last night's episode of NCIS featured a black lab whose owner/handler had been murdered. I didn't know until the every end of the episode that this dog would be shot (acting, of course), and survive, and that the soldier's widow would realize her dream of having her beloved husband's dog somehow be retired to live his life with her. Until Gibbs released this dog and it flew to the widow, whose sad tears became a flood of happy ones, there I sat, simply enjoying another great episode of my favorite television show.
Then ... the dam burst. My tears not only surfaced, but for about five minutes, I sobbed uncontrollably. There was Good Boy, lying in his bed on the other side of the living room, sweet n shy as always. I sank onto the floor from the couch and crawled over to him, putting my head down next to his muzzle and stroking his face while sobbing so hard that I was trembling. He stayed put, seeming to know that he was needed.
Good Boy, March 3, 2013
I wonder how much Good Boy knows about the miracle that God and beloved Wiggles brought to the two of us, finding us for each other and saving our lives a little over two years ago? Tonight it felt like he knew more than ever that his mommy has been through heartbreak that still revisits from time to time.
Wiggles, thank you and God so much for your eternal love and devotion. Thank you for this blessing of Good Boy that is a continuance of your presence in our home via another cattle dog / blue heeler who has learned to see with his heart and love me.
Our dear friend, Leonard Wood of Melbourne, Australia, blended a photo that our neighbor friend took of Wiggles and me on April 1, 2007, with a photo taken by neighbor Jeff of me & Good Boy on April 18, 2011.
Blended photo of Wiggles, me and Good Boy.
This photo made it possible for me to find joy in Christmas of 2011; Wiggles returned to Heaven on December 5, 2010, and Good Boy and I got together on March 2, 2011, so these two dear, sweet blue heelers had never met, but they both have great hearts and more than one thing in common: both are blue heelers (Australian cattle dogs), both lost their sight to inherited progressive retinal atrophy, or PRA, both are meek and kind, and both needed/need me to be not only a mommy, but also a 'seeing eye person.'
If I had a nickel for each time my thoughts go to beloved Wiggles ... but now God and he have made sure that Good Boy is here for me to love, and that I'm here for him to love.
Thanks for all the miracles that continue to happen in our lives, bonding us together forever!